Tag: SŽ (page 1 of 2)

AlbertModell tank cars 2025

Hungarian model railway manufacturer AlbertModell is preparing a new series of tank cars in H0 scale. These are now well known models of tank cars produced in former Socialistic federative republic of Yugoslavia, in factory “Goša” Smederevska Palanka. Here is the list of the models in this series:

  • AM726001 – ČSD Uah-Ra 31 54 726 1057-7, ep. IV
  • AM750002 – MÁV Ra 7509598, ep. III
  • AM785019 – CZ-ČD Zas 35 54 7850 000-0, ep. VI
  • AM785020 – CZ-RYKO Zas 33 54 7854 130-3, ep. VI
  • AM788028 – SK-TTTRA Zaes 31 56 7880 914-8, ep. VI
  • AM788029 – SŽ Zaes-z melasa 31 79 788 0 058-7, ep. V
  • AM788030 – ČD Zaes 33 54 7880 530-2, ep. V
  • AM788031 – ČD Zaes 33 54 7880 537-7, ep. V
  • AM790008 – MÁV Zakks 31 55 790 8 023-7, ep. V
  • AM790009 – MÁV Zakks 31 55 790 8 031-0, ep. V

Estimated price per model should be around 50 EUR inclusive slovenian tax (22%). Models should arrive in autumn 2025. Ensure Your model with preorder till December 30th 2024. You can order your models using our e-mail or via webform on this website.

AM790009 – MÁV Zakks 31 55 790 8 031-0

AM790008 – MÁV Zakks 31 55 790 8 023-7

AM788031 – CD Zaes 33 54 7880 537-7

AM788030 – CD Zaes 33 54 7880 530-2

AM788029 – SZ Zaes-z melasa 31 79 788 0 058-7

AM788028 – SK-TTTRA Zaes 31 56 7880 914-8

AM785020 – CZ-RYKO Zas 33 54 7854 130-3

AM785019 – CZ-CD Zas 35 54 7850 000-0

AM750002 – MÁV Ra 7509598

AM726001-CSD Uah-Ra 31 54 726 1057-7

ACME Highlights 2023 (autumn 2023)

Italian model train manufacturer ACME presented a new catalogue Highlights 2023 (no. 27) on the fair Hobby Model Expo 2023 (September 22-24.  2023). Here are some news from the former Yugoslavia:

  • set 55074: IC Avala (reprint from several years ago)
  • set 55310: IC Avala additional set of 3 cars (1x restaurant, 2x passenger car 2nd class)
  • set 55132: IC Drava additional set of 2 cars (JŽ 1st class car type Z2, JŽ 2nd class car of type Y)
  • 52827: 2nd class SŽ car type Y

Pictures of these models are in the new catalogue ACME Highlights 2023 (no. 27).  You can already preorder the above models as well as all other models from the catalogue using web form on this site or via e-mail. At the moment we can’t say anything about the release dates.

AlbertModell tank cars 2023

Hungarian model railroad manufacturer AlbertModell just announced a new series of models of tank cars as well as two models for transporting cement in H0 scale. The later two have new body with ribs. Amongst tank cars one can find two models from Yugoslavia and Slovenia, JŽ INA and SŽ Petrol.
Here is the list of models, the estimated price with Slovenian VAT (22%) should be around 51 EUR:
  • 930002 H-PULT Uacs, ep. VI (car for transporting cement)
  • 930003 H-PULT Uacs, ep. VI (car for transporting cement)
  • 727001 ČSD Uah/Ra, ep. IV
  • 785016 CZ-RYKO Zas, ep. VI, blue tank car with grafitti
  • 785017 CZ-ČD Zas, ep. VI
  • 785018 SŽ Zas-z-bencin “PETROL”, ep. V
  • 788023 ČD  Zaes, ep. V
  • 788024 ZSSK Zaes, ep. V
  • 788025 HR-BMDM Zaes-z, ep. VI (ex HŽ tank car)
  • 788026 BG-PIMK Zaes-z, ep. VI (ex HŽ tank car)
  • 788027 JŽ Zaes-z “INA”, ep. IV
  • 790006 GYSEV Zakks “ENVIROCHEM”, ep. V
  • 790007 H-MMV Zakks, ep. VI “MMV”

The models should arrive in 2nd quartal of 2024. We already accept preorders (till september 30th 2023) via e-mail or the webform on this webpage.


AM727001 – ČSD Uah-Ra 31 54 727 0054-3

AM785016 -CZ-RYKO Zas 33 54 7854 057-8 “MOGUL”

AM785017 – CZ-ČD Zas 35 54 7850 376-4

AM785018 – SŽ Zas 35 79 785 0 214-8 “PETROL”

AM788023 – ČD Zaes 33 54 788 0 968-4

AM788024 – ZSSK Zaes 35 56 788 1 002-7)

AM788025 – HR-BMDM Zaes-z 31 78 7880 076-0

AM788026 – BG-PIMK Zaes-z 31 78 7880 087-7)

AM788027 – JŽ Zaes-z 35 72 788 0 554-8 “INA”

AM790006 – GySEV Envirochem Zakks 33 43 790 0002-2

AM790007 – H-MMV Zakks 37 55 7901 122-8

AM930007 – H-PULT Uacs 33 55 930 5 382-0

AM930008 – H-PULT Uacs 33 55 930 5 397-8


AlbertModell tank cars 5th series

Hungarian model train producer AlbertModell just announced a new series of Yugoslavian tank cars (Goša production) in scale H0. Amongst them are tank cars from Hungaria, Czechoslovakia, former Yugoslavia, Czech and Slovak republic, Croatia and Slovenia:

  • 737002 MÁV  .Uahs, brown/black, ep. IV
  • 737003 MÁV  .Uahs, brown/black, another number , ep. IV
  • 750001 MÁV HUNGARIA Ra, brown/black ep. III
  • 700004 CZ-RYKO Zas, grey/black, ep. VI, in set of 2 cars (785012+785013)
  • 785014 ČSD Zas, grey, ep. IV
  • 785015 SŽ Zas-z, silver/black, “PETROL”, ep. V (ideal for Roco cars SŽ 47375 and 46783)
  • 788017 CZ-RCO Zaes green, ep VI
  • 788018 CZ-AWTR Zaes grey, ep. VI
  • 788019 SK-ZSSKC Zaes green, ep. VI
  • 788020 JŽ Zaes-z, brown with logo “PETROL”, end of 1980s (ep. IV)
  • 788021 JŽ Zaes-z brown with logo “INA”, end of 1980s (ep. IV)
  • 788022 HŽ Zaes-z, brown, ep. V

Estimated price per model is 50 EUR and for a set 100 EUR. Ensure Your models with preorders, no later than November 30th 2022. Please send Your orders on our e-mail or through the web form on this site.

MÁV .Uahs 31 55 737 9 001-3

MÁV .Uahs 31 55 737 9 022-9

MÁV Hungaria Ra 7509590

CZ-RYKO Zas 33 54 7854 049-8 (Set 700004)

CZ-RYKO Zas 33 54 7854 131-1 (Set 700004)

ČSD Zas 31 54 785 0 191-1

SŽ Zas-7 Bencin 35 79 785 0 009-2 “Petrol”

CZ-RCO Zaes 33 54 7881 254-8 “ABTrans”

CZ-AWTR Zaes 33 54 7881 012-0

SK-ZSSKC Zaes 31 56 7881 725-7

JŽ Zaes-z Mazut 35 72 788 0 008-8 “Petrol”

HŽ Zaes-z Melasa 31 78 788 0 012-5

JŽ Zaes-z Nafta 35 72 788 0 551-4 “INA”

AlbertModell tank cars 4. batch (MÁV, ČSD, ČD, SK, SŽ, JŽ, SRB, CG) and Pultrans for cement

Hungarian manufacturer AlbertModell announced today new H0 models of tank cars together with two cars for transporting cement. In this batch there are cars from Czech republic, Slovak republic together with a car from the former Yugoslavia, Serbia, Montenegro and as set of two cars from Slovenia. The announced cars are as follows:

  • AM737001 – MÁV Uahs,  ep. VI
  • AM785010 – SK-CARGO Zas,  ep. VI
  • AM788011 – CZ-CDCR Zaes, ep. VI
  • AM788012 – CZ-VADS Zaes ep. VI
  • AM962001 – ŽSR Ua-x, ep. V
  • AM748003 – JŽ Uahrrs-z Feršped, ep. IVb
  • AM788013 – SRB-ŽS Zaes-z (Serbian state railways), ep. VI
  • AM788014 – CG-MC Zaes-z (Montenegro state railways), ep. VI
  • AM700003 – set SŽ Zaes-z PETROL  (Slovenian state railways), ep. V (cars 788015 and 788016)  

And below are two hungarian private cars (Pultrans) for transporting cement which are often seen in Slovenia and travel on route Slovenia – Romania.

  • AM 932005 H-PULT Uacs, ep. VI
  • AM 932006 H-PULT Uacs, second number, ep. VI

At the time of writing the price for the set would be approximately 80,3 EUR + VAT while single model should cost 40,08 EUR + VAT. The models should be available in 2nd quarter of 2022. We accept preorders using the form on this site or e-mail until Tuesday, October 14th 2021 evening.

AM 737001 MÁV .Uahs

AM 737001 MÁV .Uahs

AM785010 - SK-CARGO Zas

AM785010 – SK-CARGO Zas

AM785011 - ČSD Zas

AM785011 – ČSD Zas

AM788011 - CZ-ČDCR Zaes

AM788011 – CZ-ČDCR Zaes

AM788012 - CZ-VADS Zaes

AM788012 – CZ-VADS Zaes

AM962001 - ŽSR Ua-x

AM962001 – ŽSR Ua-x

AM748003 - JŽ Uahrrs Feršped

AM748003 – JŽ Uahrrs Feršped

AM788013 - SRB-ŽS Zaes-z

AM788013 – SRB-ŽS Zaes-z

AM788014 - CG-MC Zaes-z

AM788014 – CG-MC Zaes-z

AM788015 - SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788015 – SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788016 - SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788016 – SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM932005 - H-PULT Uacs

AM932005 – H-PULT Uacs

AM932006 - H-PULT Uacs

AM932006 – H-PULT Uacs


AlbertModell SLO-SŽ Zas set / JŽ, SRB-ŽS Zaes tank cars

Hungarian model company AlbertModell has announced a new batch of tank cars type Goša Zas/Zaes in scale H0. The models from this batch should come to the market at the end of August 2020 and in this batch there shall be models:

  • JŽ Zaes in black and white livery (ep. 5)
  • SRB-ŽS in brown-white livery (ep. 6)
  • Set of 2 SLO-SŽ Zas tank cars in silver-black livery (ep. 6)
  • New number of MÁV Envirochem (ep. 5)
  • New number for H-MMV
  • Tank cars for ŽSR, ČD

The price of each model is 49,90 EUR and 99,50 EUR for set (SLO-SŽ Zas). The models should arrive in october. Unfortunately we do not accept orders anymore.

SRB-ŽS Zaes 31 72 7880 406-5 (za prevoz melase)

JŽ Zaes 31 72 788 0 908-0 (za prevoz melase)

SLO-SŽ Zas 35 79 7850 002-7

SLO-SŽ Zas 35 79 7850 206-4

Klub Baat SŽ Baat

The passenger car of type Baat is a typical two axle passenger car which existed on the railways of former Yugoslavia in numerous variants. They were typicaly present in trains for local railways, eg. Ljubljana-Kamnik, Celje-Rogatec, Jesenice-Nova Gorica etc. In the begining they had wooden benches that they were later upholstered. Since they were far from comfortable they got nickname “texas cars” but they were reliable. The heating at the start was using the steam and later also electric. After the disentegration of Yugoslavia they were in use by Slovenian state railways (SŽ) until the begining of 1990’s where they soon were replaced with other more modern passenger cars as well as DMU’s. The latest were used on railway Jesenice-Nova Gorica, painted in withe with rainbow stripes, so called canaries.

The model represents a 15,50 m long variant from early 1990’s with upholstered benches with compartments for smokers and nonsmokers, aisle along the car and a toilet. The model is made from ABS plastic, metal wheels, details under the frame, interior and NEM cinematics. Model is painted and prints are made using fine tampo print. Everything is made in Slovenia and the model shall be available in spring 2020, estimated price should be 67 EUR.

You can order the model directly at Klub Baat as well with us.

SŽ Baat

SŽ Baat, 7.dec.1992, Maribor (Foto Rolf Wiemann)
SŽ Baat, 7.dec.1992, Maribor (Foto Rolf Wiemann)

ViTrains DMU JŽ/SŽ 813 series 0

In 1970 ŽG Ljubljana, an entity of Yugoslav state railways (JŽ) and forerunner of todays Slovenian state railways (SŽ) ordered slighty less than 50 diesel hydraulic units at italian company FIAT ferroviaria. The type ordered was Aln 668-1800, a variant of well known and proved  DMU Aln 668 in Italy. Theseunits came to Yugoslavia together in combiniation of powered unit (Aln 668) and trailer (Ln 882). They were to replace the old railbuses (Uerdinger VT85) and even more older 5 diesel units that remained after WW2 in nowadays Slovenia, the Aln 556. The new units were immideately used in local railroads in Slovenia (Ljubljana-Kamnik, Celje-Velenje, Maribor-Dravograd, Ljubljana-Novo Mesto, Jesenice-Nova Gorica itd) as well as on some other railroads in the vicinity. They could be seen in Spielfeld (Austria), Trieste (Italy) as well as in Zagreb and Pula (nowadays Croatia). After the breakup of Yugoslavia Slovenian state railways updated the majority of these DMU’s and 3 were sold to Bosnia and Herzegovina, to ŽRS. The modernized DMU’s have larger cabin for the engineers, which were later also climatized and a bit updated passenger cabin but the basis is still the same. The modernized DMU’s are now marked as SŽ class 813, series 100. There are some original DMU’s but soon they shall be replaced with upcoming Stadler Flirts 3.

The italian company ViTrains prepared model of Aln 668 in scale H0 years ago but on the contrary to company Rivarossi (Hornby), they started releasing the models from version Aln668-1000. So few years ago they released version of series -1800 which is identical to our model JŽ/SŽ 813. We talked on fair Hobby Model Expo 2019 in Novegro and they mentioned they would like to prepare also JŽ/SŽ version and they expressed readiness to prepare the trailer as well. On toyfair in Nürnberg 2020 they announced our version together with the correct trailer Ln 882. The models should arrive in spring 2022, the price for analog version is 315 EUR, for the version with digital sound decoder 415 EUR. We already accept the preorders for these models.


B-Models Innofreight vagoni

On Toyfair in Nürnberg at the end of January 2020 the Belgian company B-Models announced two models of Innofreight cars that one can regulary see on railways of Slovenia and Austria. They announced models (cat. no. 90.217) 90.217 RailCargo Austria Voest Alpine and (cat. no. 90.218) SŽ Cargo Voest Alpine. These cars are regularly in same consist carring iron ore from Port of Koper to ironworks in Linz via Jesenice or Šentilj (Spielfeld).

The idea behind Innofreight cars is to use standard car for transporting containers and put on any container. So if the company has different types of containers, they can use same care for different containers. The models have two permanently coupled cars loaded with one container per car. The estimated price of each model is 127,95 EUR and we already accept preorders. Based on the experience from the year 2019 these preorders are filled quite quickly so hurry!

SŽ 541 with Innofreight cars SŽ cargo and RCA Voest Alpine, 27 feb. 2018 in Ljubljana

B-Models 90.218 Innofreight SŽ Cargo Voest Alpine

B-Models 90.217 RCA VoestAlpine
B-Models 90.217 Innofreight RCA Voest Alpine

AlbertModell model of Goša tank car Zas/Zaes

We got announcement from AlbertModell for a H0 model of tank car of Yugoslavian type. These tank cars were built in a company Goša from Smederevska Palanka in nowadays Serbia. The basis was polish tank car type 29R which is somewhat shorter (12,80 m instead of 13,24 m) and with lower capacity (48 m3 instead of 60 m3). Goša tank cars’ came at the Yugoslavian railways in the 1960’s as type Uahrrs-z which were later recoded as types Zas and Zaes. Many of these cars are still in use in all republics of former Yugoslavia. A lot of these cars were exported to Czechoslovakia so You can see them in nowadays Czech and Slovak republic. 

At start AlbertModell plans to prepare models for Czech and Slovakian market but the intention is also to release models of cars which are in nowadays use in republics of former Yugoslavia: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia (ŽFBH) and of course also models from JŽ period in epoch IV.

AlbertModell and we are collecting the interest and preorders for these models. Of course the most interesting models for Yugoslavian market are as follows:

  • JŽ Uahrrs-z Ep. IVa
  • JŽ Zas-z and JŽ Zaes-z from Ep. IVb, IVc
  • JŽ Zas-z and JŽ Zaes-z from Ep. V (Yugoslavia after 1991)
  • SŽ Zas-z, SŽ Zaes, SLO-SŽ Zas, SLO-SŽ Zaes
  • HŽ Zas and HŽ Zaes (only with ladders at sides)
  • ŽS Zas, ŽS Zaes, SRB-ŽS Zas-z, SRB-ŽS Zaes-z (Ep. VI)
  • ŽFBH Zas-z

Estimated final price of the models shall be 50 EUR. In the behalf of AlbertModell we would like to ask You to inform us on a e-mail or webform on this website which models are interesting for You and You would like to buy.


SLO-SŽ Zas 35 79 7850 224-7, Ljubljana, 17. jun. 2018
SŽ Zaes-z 35 79 788 0 047 6, Pragersko, 8. sept. 2017
HR-HŽCAR Zaes-z 31 78 7880 138-8, 4. mar. 2018
SRB-ŽS Zaes-z 31 72 7880 961-9, 2014
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