Tag: SK

AlbertModell Eacs 2023

Hungarian model train producer AlbertModell notified us of production of a completely new model of hopper car in H0 scale. This car is of type Eacs with a hopper put slightly raised with possibility to unload the cargo through side doors, doors on faces as well as the doors on the bottom of the hopper. In the past years some of the railway companies removed the doors on the bottom as well as levers on sides. The model is thus comming in both variants.

The original model is of Romanian production and it is in use in many countries of Eastern Europe.

Here is the list of available models. The following models should have price of around 46,00 EUR including 22% VAT:

  • AM530001 SK-ECCOR Eaos 33 56 5301 106-4, ep. VI
  • AM530002 SK-LTS Eaos 33 56 5301 109-8, ep. VI
  • AM533003 SK-AXBSK Eaos 33 56 5332 233-0, ep. VI
  • AM533004 SK-NACCO Eaos 33 56 533 6 138-6, ep. VI
  • AM547001 H-MÁVC Eacs 31 55 5470 494-2, ep. VI
  • AM547002 H-RCH Eacs 31 55 5470 056-9, ep. VI
  • AM547003 MÁV .Eacs 35 55 547 0 180-3, ep. V
  • AM697001 MÁV .Fads 31 55 697 0 004-2, ep. IV

Models of romanian railways with estimated price 48,50 EUR including 22% VAT:

  • AM547007 CFR Eacs 82 53 5473 395-8, ep. V
  • AM548001 RO-AMG Eacs 84 53 5488 902-2, ep. VI
  • AM548002 RO-GFR Eacs 87 53 5484 637-5, ep. VI
  • Set AM500016 (price 97 EUR) consisting of:
    – 547005 RO-CFR Eacs 31 53 5472 296-1, ep. VI
    -547006 RO-CFR Eaos 31 53 5471 942-1, ep. VI

These models should arrive in second quarter of 2024. We already accept preorders (till October 13th, 2023) through web form on this site or via e-mail.

AM530001 SK-ECCOR Eaos 33 56 5301 106-4

AM530002 SK-LTS Eaos 33 56 5301 109-8

AM533003 SK-AXBSK Eaos 33 56 5332 233-0

AM533004 SK-NACCO Eaos 33 56 533 6 138-6

AM547001 H-MÁVC Eacs 31 55 5470 494-2

AM547002 H-RCH Eacs 31 55 5470 056-9

AM547003 MÁV .Eacs 35 55 547 0 180-3

AM697001 MÁV .Fads 31 55 697 0 004-2


AM500016 (547005) RO-CFR Eacs 31 53 5472 296-1

AM500016 (547006) RO-CFR Eaos 31 53 5471 942-1

AM547007 CFR Eacs 82 53 5473 395-8

AM548001 RO-AMG Eacs 84 53 5488 902-2

AM548002 RO-GFR Eacs 87 53 5484 637-5

AlbertModell cars for transporting cereals

The Hungarian company AlbertModell is announcing a new series of freight cars for transporting cereals together with Romanian shop Trains Addicted. These cars are of type Tagps/Tadgs/Uagps/Uapps. In this series which should be available in the autumn 2022 there shall be cars from Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.

The list of announced Hungarian and Slovakian freight cars with estimated price 40,83 EUR + tax:

  • 065005 H-MÁV Tagps, ep. VI, red
  • 065006 H-MÁVC Tagps, ep. VI, red
  • 065007 H-MÁV Tagps, ep. VI, gray
  • 065008 H-MÁVC Tagps, ep. VI, blue
  • 082001 SK-AXBSK Tadgs, ep. VI, brown
  • 082002 SK-AXBSK Tadgsm ep. VI, brown
  • 933029 SK-PSŽ Uagps ep. VI, green
  • 933030 SK-PSŽ Uagps ep. VI, green

The list of announced Romanian cars with estimated price 43,46 EUR + tax:

  • 933020 RO-CFR Uagps “InterAgro” ep. VI, orange
  • 933021 RO-RSCO Uagps RSCO ep. VI, green
  • 933022 RO-CFR Uagps “CFR MARFA” ep. VI, green
  • 933023 RO-CFR Uagps “CFR MARFA” ep. VI, green
  • 933024 RO-CFR Uagps “CEREALCOM DOLJ” ep. VI, green
  • 933025 RO-CFR Uagps “CEREALCOM DOLJ” ep. VI, green
  • 933026 RO-BAX Uapps “BAREXIM”ep. VI, blue/white
  • 933027 RO-CTV Uapps “CARGO TRANS VAGON” ep. VI, blue/white
  • 933028 RO-CTV Uapps “Cargill” ep. VI, white
  • 934003 RO-CFR Uapps “CFR MARFA” ep. VI, black

We accept preorders till friday, February 4th 2022.


AM 065005 H-MÁV Tagps 31 55 065 5044-3

AM 065006 H-MÁVC Tagps 31 55 065 5076-5

AM 065007 H-MÁV Tagps 31 55 065 5643-2

AM 065008 H-MÁVC Tagps-y 31 55 065 5091-4

AM 082001 SK-AXBSK Tadgs 33 56 0823 001-7

AM 082002 SK-AXBSK Tadgs 33 56 0823 008-2

AM 933020 RO-CFR Uagps 84 53 9332 835-4

AM 933021 RO-RSCO Uagps 33 53 9335 190-3

AM 933022 RO-CFR Uagps 31 53 9335 726-6

AM 933023 RO-CFR Uagps 31 53 9335 843-9

AM 933024 RO-CFR Uagps 31 53 9332 021-5

AM 933025 RO-CFR Uagps 31 53 9332 026-4

AM 933026 RO-BAX Uagps 33 53 9332 800-0

AM 933027 RO CTV Uagps 88 53 9336 618-6

AM 933028 RO CTV Uagps 33 53 9332 438-9

AM 933029 SK-PSZ Uagps 33 56 9336 006-7

AM 933030 SK-PSŽ Uagps 33 56 9335 302-1

AM 934003 RO-CFR Uapps 31 53 9341 027-1

AlbertModell tank cars 4. batch (MÁV, ČSD, ČD, SK, SŽ, JŽ, SRB, CG) and Pultrans for cement

Hungarian manufacturer AlbertModell announced today new H0 models of tank cars together with two cars for transporting cement. In this batch there are cars from Czech republic, Slovak republic together with a car from the former Yugoslavia, Serbia, Montenegro and as set of two cars from Slovenia. The announced cars are as follows:

  • AM737001 – MÁV Uahs,  ep. VI
  • AM785010 – SK-CARGO Zas,  ep. VI
  • AM788011 – CZ-CDCR Zaes, ep. VI
  • AM788012 – CZ-VADS Zaes ep. VI
  • AM962001 – ŽSR Ua-x, ep. V
  • AM748003 – JŽ Uahrrs-z Feršped, ep. IVb
  • AM788013 – SRB-ŽS Zaes-z (Serbian state railways), ep. VI
  • AM788014 – CG-MC Zaes-z (Montenegro state railways), ep. VI
  • AM700003 – set SŽ Zaes-z PETROL  (Slovenian state railways), ep. V (cars 788015 and 788016)  

And below are two hungarian private cars (Pultrans) for transporting cement which are often seen in Slovenia and travel on route Slovenia – Romania.

  • AM 932005 H-PULT Uacs, ep. VI
  • AM 932006 H-PULT Uacs, second number, ep. VI

At the time of writing the price for the set would be approximately 80,3 EUR + VAT while single model should cost 40,08 EUR + VAT. The models should be available in 2nd quarter of 2022. We accept preorders using the form on this site or e-mail until Tuesday, October 14th 2021 evening.

AM 737001 MÁV .Uahs

AM 737001 MÁV .Uahs

AM785010 - SK-CARGO Zas

AM785010 – SK-CARGO Zas

AM785011 - ČSD Zas

AM785011 – ČSD Zas

AM788011 - CZ-ČDCR Zaes

AM788011 – CZ-ČDCR Zaes

AM788012 - CZ-VADS Zaes

AM788012 – CZ-VADS Zaes

AM962001 - ŽSR Ua-x

AM962001 – ŽSR Ua-x

AM748003 - JŽ Uahrrs Feršped

AM748003 – JŽ Uahrrs Feršped

AM788013 - SRB-ŽS Zaes-z

AM788013 – SRB-ŽS Zaes-z

AM788014 - CG-MC Zaes-z

AM788014 – CG-MC Zaes-z

AM788015 - SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788015 – SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788016 - SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788016 – SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM932005 - H-PULT Uacs

AM932005 – H-PULT Uacs

AM932006 - H-PULT Uacs

AM932006 – H-PULT Uacs


AlbertModell tank cars JŽ / HŽCAR / ŽFBH… batch 3

Earlier today we received an email from hungarian factory AlbertModell that in the 4th quartal of 2021 there shall be a new series of tank cars in H0 scale. In this batch there shall be some models from the republics of former Yugoslavia as well as some models from Czech and Slovak republic. Below is the list of these models and the livery drawings of them:

  • AM700001 – set JŽ Uahrrs-z PETROL ZŽTP Ljubljana ep. IV (vagona 748001 in 748002)  
  • AM700002 – set CZ-RYKO Zas “MOGUL” ep. VI  (vagona 785007 in785008)
  • AM785009 – BIH-ŽFBH Zas-z ep. VI, Zas-z
  • AM788008 – CZ-AWTR Zaes ep. VI
  • AM788009 – SK-LRL Zaes ep. VI
  • AM788010 – HR-HŽCAR Zaes-z ep. VI (druga številka kot v 1. seriji)
  • AM790005 – MÁV .Zakks ep. V

The prices should be similar to the current batch, so the set shall cost around 98 EUR while single model around 48 EUR. We are already accepting (pre)orders through contact form on this site or our e-mail until March 30th, 2021.


AM748001 JŽ Uahrrs-z Petrol

AM748001 JŽ Uahrrs-z Petrol


AM748002 JŽ Uahrrs-z "Petrol"

AM748002 JŽ Uahrrs-z “Petrol”

AM785007 CZ-Ryko Zas "Mogul"

AM785007 CZ-Ryko Zas “Mogul”

AM785008 CZ-Ryko Zas "Mogul"

AM785008 CZ-Ryko Zas “Mogul”

AM785009 BIH-ŽFBH Zas-z-z

AM785009 BIH-ŽFBH Zas-z-z

AM788008 CZ-AWTR Zaes

AM788008 CZ-AWTR Zaes

AM788009 SK-LRL Zaes

AM788009 SK-LRL Zaes

AM788010 HR-HŽCAR Zaes-z

AM788010 HR-HŽCAR Zaes-z

AM790005 MÁV .Zakks

AM790005 MÁV .Zakks


AlbertModell new models may 2017

AlbertModell announces three new sets freight car models in scale H0 of types Eaos/Eas/Eas-y. The price of each set is 80 EUR.

Set CZ-ZXCBZ Eas 33 54 5965 080-0 and 33 54 5965 096-3

AlbertModell set CZ-ZXCBZ Eas AxBenet

Set SK-PSŽ Eas 33 56 5423 491-3 and 33 56 5423 518-3

AlbertModell SK-PSŽ Eas PSŽ a.s

Set CZ NHTR Eas 33 54 5423 483-2 and 33 54 5423 449-3

AlbertModell set CZ NHTR Eas (NH Trans)

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