Tag: Passenger (page 1 of 2)

News in model trains world 2025

Every year at the end of the January the international toys fair in Nürnberg, Germany opens its doors. On this fair many of the model train manufacturers are present and they publish catalogues with the news for that year. According to the tradition this year new announcements came through these catalogues of which some we have already published on our subpage “Catalogues“. Here are some highlights that are interesting for the countries of the former Yugoslavia:

Tillig 70068: set of two freight wagons, JŽ, epoche III, H0 scale. JŽ Kdv 327310 in JŽ Gv 125211

Tillig 77065: JŽ Kv 786109, ep. III

Tillig 77065: freight wagon JŽ Gv 786109, ep. III, H0 scale

Tillig JŽ 75011: post wagon JŽ Postl, ep. IV, H0 scale

ACME 55344: Optima express set 1, ep. V, H0 scale (couchette wagons of BDŽ)

ACME 55345-Optima Express set 2, ep. V, H0 scale (2x couchette wagons and 1x sleeping wagon, all Macedonian Railways)

ACME 55245: Attika Express, set 1 (2x DB couchette, 1x OSE (Greece) sleeping wagon), ep. IV, H0 scale

ACME 55246: Attika Express, set 2 (2x OSE passenger wagons, 1x DB baggage wagon), ep. IV, H0 scale

We already accept preorders for the new items published in the catalogues. About the prices of the models:

  • ACME publishes prices about a month before the delivery
  • Tillig has published suggested prices in their catalogues
  • For items from B-models please ask using e-mail or via webform on these pages

ACME Highlights 2023 (autumn 2023)

Italian model train manufacturer ACME presented a new catalogue Highlights 2023 (no. 27) on the fair Hobby Model Expo 2023 (September 22-24.  2023). Here are some news from the former Yugoslavia:

  • set 55074: IC Avala (reprint from several years ago)
  • set 55310: IC Avala additional set of 3 cars (1x restaurant, 2x passenger car 2nd class)
  • set 55132: IC Drava additional set of 2 cars (JŽ 1st class car type Z2, JŽ 2nd class car of type Y)
  • 52827: 2nd class SŽ car type Y

Pictures of these models are in the new catalogue ACME Highlights 2023 (no. 27).  You can already preorder the above models as well as all other models from the catalogue using web form on this site or via e-mail. At the moment we can’t say anything about the release dates.

ACME trains may 2023

Italian model train manufacturer ACME just announced new waggons and locomotives which should be available in May 2023 or while the stock lasts. Below is the list of the models with prices inclusive Slovenian VAT.

Item no. Description ACME 2023 catalogue page Price (EUR)
AC55228 FS Treno Rapido set C, set of 3 cars 5 249,00
AC50042 FS Passenger car typ UIC-Y 1. cl., brown 60 75,00
AC45115 Set 2x FS Rlmmp-t s with Bergepanzer, M113 73 175,00
AC51004 Sleeping car UHansa CIWL, DSB 56 89,00
AC51006 Sleeping car UHansa CIWL, FS 56 89,00
AC51007 Sleeping car UHansa CIWL, DB 56 89,00
AC60531 E-Loco Ae 6/8 204, BLS 45 339,00
AC65531 E-Loco Ae 6/8 204, BLS, AC version 45 359,00
AC69531 E-Loco Ae 6/8 204, BLS, DCC Sound 45 449,00

AC60531 / 66531 / 69531








Klub Baat JŽ Bggisstt (assembly kit)

The passenger car of type Baat is a typical two axle passenger car which existed on the railways of former Yugoslavia in numerous variants. They were typicaly present in trains for local railways, eg. Ljubljana-Kamnik, Celje-Rogatec, Jesenice-Nova Gorica etc. In the begining they had wooden benches that they were later upholstered. Since they were far from comfortable they got nickname “texas cars” but they were reliable. The heating at the start was using the steam and later also electric.

The model represents a 15,50 m long variant from early 1990’s with benches, with compartments for smokers and nonsmokers, aisle along the car and a toilet. The model is made from ABS plastic, metal wheels, details under the frame, interior and NEM cinematics. Please note that this is an assembly kit similar to plastic kits of model cars, aircraft etc. You need to assemble the model by yourself together with painting and water decals. The kit has everything You need to assemble it except for the glue and paints.

The assembly kit can be ordered directly at Klub Baat.

JŽ Bggisstt painting and decals
JŽ Bggisstt paining and decals
JŽ Bggisstt
JŽ Bggisstt

Klub Baat SŽ Baat

The passenger car of type Baat is a typical two axle passenger car which existed on the railways of former Yugoslavia in numerous variants. They were typicaly present in trains for local railways, eg. Ljubljana-Kamnik, Celje-Rogatec, Jesenice-Nova Gorica etc. In the begining they had wooden benches that they were later upholstered. Since they were far from comfortable they got nickname “texas cars” but they were reliable. The heating at the start was using the steam and later also electric. After the disentegration of Yugoslavia they were in use by Slovenian state railways (SŽ) until the begining of 1990’s where they soon were replaced with other more modern passenger cars as well as DMU’s. The latest were used on railway Jesenice-Nova Gorica, painted in withe with rainbow stripes, so called canaries.

The model represents a 15,50 m long variant from early 1990’s with upholstered benches with compartments for smokers and nonsmokers, aisle along the car and a toilet. The model is made from ABS plastic, metal wheels, details under the frame, interior and NEM cinematics. Model is painted and prints are made using fine tampo print. Everything is made in Slovenia and the model shall be available in spring 2020, estimated price should be 67 EUR.

You can order the model directly at Klub Baat as well with us.

SŽ Baat

SŽ Baat, 7.dec.1992, Maribor (Foto Rolf Wiemann)
SŽ Baat, 7.dec.1992, Maribor (Foto Rolf Wiemann)

ACME 55247 Mostar-Dalmacija set C

Italian company ACME already announced train Mostar-Dalmacija express on fair in Novegru in september 2019 (https://pegomodel.si/2019-10-06/acme-55237-55238-mostar-dalmacija-express/) consisting of two 3 car sets. This year, on Toyfair in Nürnbergu at the end of january 2020 they announced also the third set with no. 55247. This set adds the following cars to the whole train:

  • JŽ sleeping car
  • JŽ car with seats with 1st and 2nd class
  • DB baggage car

Since we expect all sets soon we already gather preordes. The exact release date will be published later as well as price (it should be around 180 EUR per set).

ACME Mostar-Dalmacija
ACME Mostar-Dalmacija, exceprt from Catalogue 2020

ACME 55179 Simplon Express set 4

Simplon express with designation EX220 or 221 was once a long international train which drove from Paris through Italy to Yugoslavia, moreprecisely Belgrade. ACME put the train in the year 1973 and 3 sets of this train are already available. This is now set number 4 with two JŽ cars and one Italian (FS) car. This set should be available on November 2019 and estimated price should be 190 EUR. We already accept preorders for this set.

ACME 55179 Simplon Express set 4
ACME 55179 Simplon Express set 4, prototip

ACME 55237, 55238 Mostar-Dalmacija

A train Mostar-Dalmacija express was one of many international trains that connected Europe with former Yugoslavia. The train was driving from Stuttgart through Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the city of Kardeljevo (todays Ploče, Croatia) at Adriatic sea in mid Dalmatia. The designatior for the car was D296 or D297 depending on the driving direction. It was also one of the longest trains, for example in 1989 it had 11 cars with home station in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Italian company ACME announces 2 sets in scale H0, each consisting of 3 passenger cars which should be on sale in november 2019. We already accept preorders for them and the expected price per set is around 190 EUR.

Set 55237 consists of:

  • Couchette car type Y
  • Car with seats of 2nd class type Y
  • Sleeping car type Y

Set 55238 consists of

  • Car with seats of 1st and 2nd class type Y
  • Couchette car
  • Car with seats of 2nd class type Z2
ACME 55237,55238 Mostar-Dalmacija set, prototype on Hobby ModelExpo 2019 fair

ACME 55129 – Hellas-Istanbul set 2

Italian manufacturer ACME just announced the Hellas-Istanbul set 2 should be available soon. This set consists of 3 passenger cars in scale H0:

– sleeping car from OSE (Greece) of type WLABmh
– couchette car from BDŽ (Bulgaria)
– seating car from JŽ (Yugoslav railways) with seats of 1st and 2nd class

The exact release date is not know at the moment but You can (pre)order it for 195,00 EUR through the webform on this website.

Hellas Istanbul set 2

Hellas Istanbul set 2 (foto ACME)

ACME 52843 JŽ couhette ep. V

ACME announced that a model of JŽ couchette car with three colour stripes along the car is now available. The revision of this car is from 2000 and thus it is from Ep. V. The car used to be in international trains, for example it was driving through Croatia and Slovenia in IC Sava.

The model is available in our shop, we accept orders through webform or e-mail. The price is 64,50 EUR.

AC52843-JŽ Bcl ep. V (foto ACME)

AC52843-JŽ Bcl ep. V (foto ACME)

AC52843-JŽ Bcl ep. V (foto ACME)

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