Tag: Danube Train Models

Model of freight car JŽ Gas

We received the news from Danube Train Models from Belgrade that in the autumn 2017 the well known factory LS Models will release 2 H0 models of 4 axle covered freight car JŽ Gas. Till the end of 1990-s in these cars a lot of goods were transported from and to Yugoslavia so these cars could be seen all round the Europe. Yugoslav railways owned few thousand of these cars.

There shall be two numbers of these cars one was owned by ŽG Ljubljana, Slovenia (31 72 190 2 820-4)  and the second was owned by ŽTP Beograd, Serbia (31 72 190 3 507-6).

(Sold out)

LS Models Gas JZ 31 72 190 3 507-6

The photos below do not represent exactly the same numbers as shall be on the models!

JŽ Gas-z 31 72 190 3 309-7, 2. jul. 2003, foto Veno Lang

JŽ Gas-z 31 72 190, foto DTM

JŽ Gdv (type Oppeln) preorder

Manufacturer ExactTrain and Danube Train Models are announcing a new model of goods wagon type Oppeln as JŽ Gdv in Epoche 3 H0 scale. The wagon is similar to the already released JŽ Gdov but it has added breaker’s house. The expected price for the car is 39 EUR. If You wish to secure Your model we invite You to send us an e-mail with preorder.

Risba JŽ Gdv

JŽ Gdov models (type Oppeln)

We have on stock few models of cargo car type Oppeln with designation JŽ Gdov 115518 (epoche 3) with the price 39 EUR. The model was realized in cooperation between manufacturer ExactTrain from the Netherlands and Danube Train Models from Belgrade, Serbia who sells it under the item no. DTM 21501.

Update september 2017: There are no more cars on stock, sorry!

DT Model-ExactTrain JZ Oppeln

DT Model-ExactTrain JZ Oppeln

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