Tag: cargo

AlbertModell tank cars 2023

Hungarian model railroad manufacturer AlbertModell just announced a new series of models of tank cars as well as two models for transporting cement in H0 scale. The later two have new body with ribs. Amongst tank cars one can find two models from Yugoslavia and Slovenia, JŽ INA and SŽ Petrol.
Here is the list of models, the estimated price with Slovenian VAT (22%) should be around 51 EUR:
  • 930002 H-PULT Uacs, ep. VI (car for transporting cement)
  • 930003 H-PULT Uacs, ep. VI (car for transporting cement)
  • 727001 ČSD Uah/Ra, ep. IV
  • 785016 CZ-RYKO Zas, ep. VI, blue tank car with grafitti
  • 785017 CZ-ČD Zas, ep. VI
  • 785018 SŽ Zas-z-bencin “PETROL”, ep. V
  • 788023 ČD  Zaes, ep. V
  • 788024 ZSSK Zaes, ep. V
  • 788025 HR-BMDM Zaes-z, ep. VI (ex HŽ tank car)
  • 788026 BG-PIMK Zaes-z, ep. VI (ex HŽ tank car)
  • 788027 JŽ Zaes-z “INA”, ep. IV
  • 790006 GYSEV Zakks “ENVIROCHEM”, ep. V
  • 790007 H-MMV Zakks, ep. VI “MMV”

The models should arrive in 2nd quartal of 2024. We already accept preorders (till september 30th 2023) via e-mail or the webform on this webpage.


AM727001 – ČSD Uah-Ra 31 54 727 0054-3

AM785016 -CZ-RYKO Zas 33 54 7854 057-8 “MOGUL”

AM785017 – CZ-ČD Zas 35 54 7850 376-4

AM785018 – SŽ Zas 35 79 785 0 214-8 “PETROL”

AM788023 – ČD Zaes 33 54 788 0 968-4

AM788024 – ZSSK Zaes 35 56 788 1 002-7)

AM788025 – HR-BMDM Zaes-z 31 78 7880 076-0

AM788026 – BG-PIMK Zaes-z 31 78 7880 087-7)

AM788027 – JŽ Zaes-z 35 72 788 0 554-8 “INA”

AM790006 – GySEV Envirochem Zakks 33 43 790 0002-2

AM790007 – H-MMV Zakks 37 55 7901 122-8

AM930007 – H-PULT Uacs 33 55 930 5 382-0

AM930008 – H-PULT Uacs 33 55 930 5 397-8


AlbertModell tank cars 4. batch (MÁV, ČSD, ČD, SK, SŽ, JŽ, SRB, CG) and Pultrans for cement

Hungarian manufacturer AlbertModell announced today new H0 models of tank cars together with two cars for transporting cement. In this batch there are cars from Czech republic, Slovak republic together with a car from the former Yugoslavia, Serbia, Montenegro and as set of two cars from Slovenia. The announced cars are as follows:

  • AM737001 – MÁV Uahs,  ep. VI
  • AM785010 – SK-CARGO Zas,  ep. VI
  • AM788011 – CZ-CDCR Zaes, ep. VI
  • AM788012 – CZ-VADS Zaes ep. VI
  • AM962001 – ŽSR Ua-x, ep. V
  • AM748003 – JŽ Uahrrs-z Feršped, ep. IVb
  • AM788013 – SRB-ŽS Zaes-z (Serbian state railways), ep. VI
  • AM788014 – CG-MC Zaes-z (Montenegro state railways), ep. VI
  • AM700003 – set SŽ Zaes-z PETROL  (Slovenian state railways), ep. V (cars 788015 and 788016)  

And below are two hungarian private cars (Pultrans) for transporting cement which are often seen in Slovenia and travel on route Slovenia – Romania.

  • AM 932005 H-PULT Uacs, ep. VI
  • AM 932006 H-PULT Uacs, second number, ep. VI

At the time of writing the price for the set would be approximately 80,3 EUR + VAT while single model should cost 40,08 EUR + VAT. The models should be available in 2nd quarter of 2022. We accept preorders using the form on this site or e-mail until Tuesday, October 14th 2021 evening.

AM 737001 MÁV .Uahs

AM 737001 MÁV .Uahs

AM785010 - SK-CARGO Zas

AM785010 – SK-CARGO Zas

AM785011 - ČSD Zas

AM785011 – ČSD Zas

AM788011 - CZ-ČDCR Zaes

AM788011 – CZ-ČDCR Zaes

AM788012 - CZ-VADS Zaes

AM788012 – CZ-VADS Zaes

AM962001 - ŽSR Ua-x

AM962001 – ŽSR Ua-x

AM748003 - JŽ Uahrrs Feršped

AM748003 – JŽ Uahrrs Feršped

AM788013 - SRB-ŽS Zaes-z

AM788013 – SRB-ŽS Zaes-z

AM788014 - CG-MC Zaes-z

AM788014 – CG-MC Zaes-z

AM788015 - SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788015 – SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788016 - SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM788016 – SŽ Zaes-z-MAZUT

AM932005 - H-PULT Uacs

AM932005 – H-PULT Uacs

AM932006 - H-PULT Uacs

AM932006 – H-PULT Uacs


B-Models news for 2021

Belgian model railways company B-Models has sent us a catalogue with news for 2021. ou can take a look at the catalogue on this website under “Models (Shop)-Catalogues”. Most of the models (those that weren’t already sold at manufacturer) can be preordered with us.

Prices for the models in the catalogue are as follows:

  • Sgns + tankcontainer (container cars):   64,90 EUR
  • Sgns + 30ft bulk container (container cars):  64,90 EUR
  • Sgmrrss90 (two part container cars): 98,90 EUR
  • Tank cars (Euro tank): 69,50 EUR
  • Tads-sets of 3 cars: 169,90 EUR

Catalogue B-Models 2021 part 1

AlbertModell Tagps/Uagps grain transport cars

The Hungarian company AlbertModell is presenting new models for autumn 2021 in H0 scale. These are models for transporting grains made in Romania. Naturally majority of these cars are in use in Romania but they are greatly in use by Rail Cargo Hungaria company. The hungarian cars are frequently passing Slovenia and Croatia, going to either Italy or Hungary. Occasionally one can see also Romanian cars in our countries.

Models shall be made from ABS plastic with fine details, on top of it is a platvorm which shall be made from etched brass. The final price shall be around 45-50 EUR and we accept preorders until the end of February 2021.

The models for year 2021 are:


934002 RO-CFR Uapps “CFR MARFA”, ep. VI


934001 RO-CFR Uapps “CFR MARFA”, ep. VI


933019 RO-CFR Uagps “CFR MARFA”, ep. VI


933018 RO-CFR Uagps “CFR MARFA”, ep. VI


933017 RO-RSCO Uagps “Rolling Stock”, ep. VI


933016 RO-RSCO Uagps “Rolling Stock”, ep. VI


933015 RO-CFR Uagps “InterAgro”, ep VI


933014 RO-CFR Uagps “InterAgro”, ep VI


AM065004 H-RCH Tagps, ep. VI


AM065003 H-RCH Tagps, ep. VI


065002 H-RCH Tagps, ep. VI


065001 H-RCH Tagps ep. VI


RO-RSCO Uagps 33 53 9334 140-9, 2011-10-15, Hodos Slovenija (foto Goran Brumen)


H-RCH Tagps 31 55 0655 695-2, 2017-07-08, Ljubljana (Foto Goran Brumen)


H-RCH Tagps Ljubljana

H-RCH Tagps 31 55 0655 136-7, 2017-07-08, Ljubljana (Foto Goran Brumen)


B-Models Innofreight vagoni

On Toyfair in Nürnberg at the end of January 2020 the Belgian company B-Models announced two models of Innofreight cars that one can regulary see on railways of Slovenia and Austria. They announced models (cat. no. 90.217) 90.217 RailCargo Austria Voest Alpine and (cat. no. 90.218) SŽ Cargo Voest Alpine. These cars are regularly in same consist carring iron ore from Port of Koper to ironworks in Linz via Jesenice or Šentilj (Spielfeld).

The idea behind Innofreight cars is to use standard car for transporting containers and put on any container. So if the company has different types of containers, they can use same care for different containers. The models have two permanently coupled cars loaded with one container per car. The estimated price of each model is 127,95 EUR and we already accept preorders. Based on the experience from the year 2019 these preorders are filled quite quickly so hurry!

SŽ 541 with Innofreight cars SŽ cargo and RCA Voest Alpine, 27 feb. 2018 in Ljubljana

B-Models 90.218 Innofreight SŽ Cargo Voest Alpine

B-Models 90.217 RCA VoestAlpine
B-Models 90.217 Innofreight RCA Voest Alpine

Artitec JŽ Slmmp-tz

Together with Danube Train Models from Belgrade (DTM) we are announcing release of set consisting of two JŽ flat cars of type Slmmp-tz in H0 scale. These are special cars for heavy cargo and transporting tanks. In Yugoslavia there were some versions of such cars, these are 4 axle cars of type Köln. These cars appeared in 1940 when german army ordered freight cars for transporting tanks on the fronts in 2nd world war. After the war many of these cars remained in Yugoslavia and they were used for the same purposes along with transporting heavy cargo. The models of these cars will be made by the company Artitec in a set consisting of 2 cars. The cars should be from register of ŽG Ljubljana (nowadays Slovenia) and the revision is set to the end of 1980’s. The price is not defined but it should be around 80 EUR.  We already accept preorders for these sets through the form on this website.

Artitec JZ Slmmp-tz 80 72 463

Artitec JZ Slmmp-tz 80 72 463 (not definite drawing)

A photo from 1991, when Yugoslav army was retreating from Slovenia. Photo from RTV-Slo webpage, namely here:


DTM / ExactTrain JŽ Kdv ep. 3

Danube Train models in cooperation with Exact Train are preparing H0 model of open freight car of type Klagenfurt (in Europe also known as Omm34). The model shall represent a freight car type JŽ Kdv with home station Belgrade from epoche 3b.

This type of freight cars appeared during the World War 2 in 1942. German reich produced a substatial number of these cars and many of them remained in former Yugoslavia after WW2. They were used for transporting different materials like wood, coal etc.

The price for this car is 40,50 EUR, the model will be available in summer 2018. We accept preorders for this model using webform or e-mail.

ExactTrain Klagenfurt – Omm34

JŽ Kdv example – not final look of the car (foto DTM)

JŽ Kdv (Klagenfurt) Ep 3 (drawing by DTM)

AlbertModell new models may 2017

AlbertModell announces three new sets freight car models in scale H0 of types Eaos/Eas/Eas-y. The price of each set is 80 EUR.

Set CZ-ZXCBZ Eas 33 54 5965 080-0 and 33 54 5965 096-3

AlbertModell set CZ-ZXCBZ Eas AxBenet

Set SK-PSŽ Eas 33 56 5423 491-3 and 33 56 5423 518-3

AlbertModell SK-PSŽ Eas PSŽ a.s

Set CZ NHTR Eas 33 54 5423 483-2 and 33 54 5423 449-3

AlbertModell set CZ NHTR Eas (NH Trans)

JŽ Gdv (type Oppeln) preorder

Manufacturer ExactTrain and Danube Train Models are announcing a new model of goods wagon type Oppeln as JŽ Gdv in Epoche 3 H0 scale. The wagon is similar to the already released JŽ Gdov but it has added breaker’s house. The expected price for the car is 39 EUR. If You wish to secure Your model we invite You to send us an e-mail with preorder.

Risba JŽ Gdv

AlbertModell new models february 2017

AlbertModell is announcing new high sided open hopper cars of types Eaos/Eas/Eas-y in scale H0. There are available 2 single cars and 2 sets of 2 cars.

595005 H-MÁV Eas 31 55 595 0032-7, rev. 21.05.10 (40 EUR)


533002 H-GYSEV 32 43 5960 021-4, Rev. 08.06.10 (40 EUR)

500000 Set 2 hopper cars D-NACCO (78 EUR):

  • Eas 37 80 5421 068-7, Rev. 14.10.11
  • Eas 37 80 5421 120-6, Rev. 13.01.12

500001 Set 2 hopper cars D-NACCO (78 EUR):

  • Eas 37 80 5421 069-5, Rev. 28.10.11
  • Eas 37 80 5421 115-6, Rev. 31.01.12


The manufacturer has also some older models on stock (series Eas, Eams, Tams, Shimms etc) which You can also order.

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