Month: March 2023

AlbertModell grain wagons, 2023

The Hungarian company AlbertModell is announcing a new series of freight cars for transporting cereals together with Romanian shop Trains Addicted. These cars are of type Tagps/Uagps/Uapps. Again in this batch there shall be cars from Hungaria, Slovakia and Romania. The models from this batch should be availabe in stores in autumn 2023.

The list of announced Hungarian and Slovakian freight cars with estimated price 50,00 EUR including Slovenian tax (22%):

  • 065009 MÁV Tagps-y, blue, ep. V
  • 065010 MÁV Tagps, grey, ep. V
  • 065011 MÁV Tagps, brown, ep. V
  • 065012 MÁV Tagps-y, red, ep. V
  • 933040 ZSR Uagps, olive brown, ep. V
  • 933041 ZSR Uagps, olive brown, 2nd number, ep. V
  • 933042 ZSSK Uagps, olive brown, ep. V
  • 933043 ZSSK Uagps, olive brown, 2nd number, ep. V

The list of Romanian freight cars with estimated price 53,00 EUR including Slovenian tax (22%):

  • 933031 RO-CFR Uagps “InterAgro”, green, ep. VI
  • 933032 RO-RSCO Uagps “RSCO” green, ep. VI
  • 933033 CFR Uagps, green, ep. V
  • 933034 CFR Uagps, green, 2nd number, ep. V
  • 933035 RO-CFR Uagps “CFR MARFA” green, ep. VI
  • 933036 RO-CFR Uagps “CFR MARFA” green, ep. VI
  • 933037 RO-CFR Uagps “VIROMET S.A.” light brown, ep. VI
  • 933038 CFR Uapps “s.c. STICLA s.a. TURDA” yellow,  ep. V
  • 933039 RO-CTV Uagps “Cargill” white, ep. VI

We already accept preorders for the  cars above. With preorder before tuesday, March 14th 2023 (by midnight)You can reserve Your model. After this date we can’t guarantee any deliveries.


AM065009 MÁV Tagps-y 31 55 065 5042-7

AM065010 MÁV Tagps 31 55 0655 506-1

AM065011 MÁV Tagps 31 55 065 5 173-0

AM065012 MÁV Tagps-y 31 55 065 5025-2


AM933031 RO-CFR Uagps 84 53 9332 818-0 “InterAgro”

AM933032 RO-RSCO Uagps 33 53 9335 084-9

AM933033 CFR Uapgs 31 53 9332 201-3

AM933034 CFR Uagps 31 53 9332 211-2

AM933035 RO-CFR Uagps 31 53 9335 158-2 “CFR MARFA”

AM933036 RO-CFR Uagps 31 53 9335 774-6 “CFR MARFA”

AM933037 RO-CFR Uagps 84 53 933 4501-0 “VIROMET s.a.”

AM933038 CFR Uapps 84 53 9341 495-6 “s.c. STICLA s.a. TURDA”

AM933039 RO-CTV Uagps 33 53 9332 448-8 “Cargill”


AM933040 ŽSR Uagps 31 56 9332 827-2

AM933041 ŽSR Uagps 31 56 9332 811-6

AM933042 ZSSK Uagps 31 56 9332 812-4

AM933043 ZSSK Uagps 31 56 9332 805-8

ESU news 2023

We continue coopeartion with ESU company in year 2023. They have announced some news for the year 2023.

The biggest news with the models is model of shunting locomotive Deutz KG230 in H0 scale. You can read more about this locomotive on ESU’s dedicated website , suggested price for the loco is 459 EUR with tax included. As it is usual with ESU locomotive it is also equipped with LokSound decoder, smoke generator and many other refinments usual to ESU locomotives.

In spring 2023 they shall release shunter DB V60 in Deutche Post (German post) livery.

Amongst other models ESU also sells various freight and passenger cars. This year they shall continue with new liveries for the Silberinge passenger cars as usual cars as well as steering cars..

In the field of the DCC decoders the news is new LokSound 5 nano with E24 interface for use in scales N and TT. Finally in the small scale users can get same amounts of connections as in scale H0 (like PluX22 and 21 MTC). E24 is smaller interface than Next18 and has more pins.

Catalogues and pricelists are available directly on ESU’s website , the catalogue is also available on our website. Unfortunatelly due to the inflation from february 2022 some products have new higher prices starting from February 1st, 2023.

AlbertModell gondola cars Eas/Eaos 2023

Hungarian model railway manufacturer AlbertModell just announced new models of gondola cars of type Eas/Eaos. The models should be available in thrid quarter of 2023, the price per model is around 41,00 EUR with Slovenian tax (22%). The models are as below:

  • AM534005 CZ-ZXBCZ Eaos, grey, ep. VI,
  • AM534006 PL-PCCRB Eaos, red, ep. VI,
  • AM542026 CZ-NHTR Eas  “BUDAMAR“, ep. VI,
  • AM542027 D-NACCO Eas, brown, ep. VI,
  • AM542028 SK-PSZ Eas, green, ep. VI,
  • AM542029 SK-TNTD Eas, “TENUTADO“, black, ep. VI,
  • AM595019 H-CDC Eas, grey, ep. VI,
  • AM595020 H-LTB Eas, »LOKO trans«, red, ep. VI,
  • AM597018 PL-PKPC Eas, “PKP cargo“, blue, ep. VI,
  • AM597019 PL-PTKR Eaos “PTK“, ep. VI,
  • AM597020 PL-PTKR Eaos “PTK“, another number, ep. VI,
  • AM597021 PL-SZR Eas “SZR“, blue, ep. VI,
  • AM597022 PL-REKOM Eas, “RKM“, blue, ep. VI,
  • AM597023 PL-PROT Eas “PROTOR“, blue, ep. VI,
  • AM597027 PKP  Eas, green-blue, ep. VI,
  • AM595014 MÁV Eas, brown, ep. V,
  • AM595015 MÁV Eas, brown, ep. V

We already accept preorders for these models. Please send Your preorder until tuesday, March 14, 2023 midnight. After that we can not guarantee deliveries.

AM 542027 D-NACCO Eas 37-80-5421-091-9
AM595020 H-LTB Eas-31-55-5950-010-5-LokoTrans
AM597018 PL-PKPC Eas 82-51-597-8-931-3
AM597022 PL-REKOM Eas 84-51-5977-950-1
AM597019 PL-PTKR Eaos 83-51-5977-867-8
AM597021 SK-PSZ Eas 33-56-5423-494-7 “PSŽ a.s.”
AM595019 H-ČDC Eas 31-55-5958-027-1
AM597020 PL-PTKR Eaos 83 51 5977 895-0
AM597027 PKP Eas 84 51 597 2021-6
AM597021 PL-SZR Eas 33-51-5977-979-2
AM542026 CZ-NHTR Eas 33-54-5423-429-5 “Budamar Group2
AM597023 PL-PROT Eas 84-51-5979-072-2 “PROTOR s.a.”
AM594029 SK-TNTD Eas 33-56-5423-259-4 “TENUTADO”
AM595015 MÁV .Eas 31-55-595-2511-0
AM595014 MÁV .Eas 82-55-595-2029-1
AM534006 PL-PCCRB Eaos 84-51-5348308-4
AM534005 CZ-ZXBCZ Eaos 33-54-5340-434-5

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