Month: January 2023

Tillig news for 2023

German manufacturer of model railways just announced catalogue of their nes for the year 2023. You can download catalogues from our website here. Amnogst these news You can find these models from the countries of former Yugoslavia:

Tillig 77011 (H0): SDŽ-CES open freight car type Jg with low sides and brakers house (estimated price 31 EUR)

Tillig 77040 (H0): JŽ Gmv 137424 refrigerator car with smooth sides (estimated price 41,50 EUR)

Tillig 16821 (TT): HŽ Post postal car (estimated price 60,10 EUR)

We already accept preorders throught the web form on this site or by e-mail. In the same way You can order any model from Tillig’s catalogues.

AlbertModell Eams / Tams / Rmms / Shmms / Shimmns

We just receieved an announcement from the hungarian model railway manufacturer AlbertModell that in the autumn 2023 they shall deliver the following types of models in scale H0:

  • Eams (high side open freight car, 41,25 EUR)),
  • Tams (high side car like Eams, covered with tarpaulin, 42,80 EUR)
  • Rmms (flat car for transporting heavy stuff, 34,90 EUR)
  • Shmms (flat car with holders for rolled steel, 38,00 EUR)
  • Shimmns (flat car covered with steel telescopic cover, 42,80 EUR)

The prices in the brackets are valid for Slovenian customers (incl. 22% VAT). Detailes list of the models is:

  • AM081009 H-RCH Tams, brown, ep. VI
  • AM081010 H-RCH Tams, brown, ep. VI
  • AM395005 MÁV .Rmms brown, ep. V
  • AM395006 MÁV .Rmms brown, ep. V
  • AM476007 H-MÁV  Shmms brown, ep. VI
  • AM476008 H-MÁV Shmms brown, ep. VI
  • AM477006 H-RCH Shimmns brown, ep. VI
  • AM477007 H-RCH Shimmns brown, ep. VI
  • AM594005 MÁV Eams brown, ep. V
  • AM594006 MÁV .Eams brown, ep. V
  • AM594007 MÁV .Eams, brown, ep. IV
  • AM594008 MÁV .Eams, brown, ep. IV
  • AM599019 H-MÁV Eams brown, ep. VI
  • AM599020 H-MÁV Eams brown, ep. VI

We accept preorders for these models till Friday, January 13th 2023.

AM081009 H-RCH Tams, ep VI

AM081009 H-RCH Tams, ep VI

AM081010 H-RCH Tams, ep VI

AM081010 H-RCH Tams, ep VI

AM599020 H-MÁV Eams, ep. VI

AM599020 H-MÁV Eams, ep. VI

AM599019 H-MÁV Eams, ep. VI

AM599019 H-MÁV Eams, ep. VI

AM594008 MÁV .Eams, ep. IV

AM594008 MÁV .Eams, ep. IV

AM594007 MÁV .Eams, ep. IV

AM594007 MÁV .Eams, ep. IV

AM594006 MÁV .Eams, ep V

AM594006 MÁV .Eams, ep V

AM594005 MÁV Eams, ep V

AM594005 MÁV Eams, ep V

AM477007 H-RCH Shimmns, ep VI

AM477007 H-RCH Shimmns, ep VI

AM477006 H-RCH Shimmns, ep VI

AM477006 H-RCH Shimmns, ep VI

AM476008 H-MÁV Shmms, ep VI

AM476008 H-MÁV Shmms, ep VI

AM476007 H-MÁV Shmms, ep VI

AM476007 H-MÁV Shmms, ep VI

AM395006 MÁV .Rmms, ep V

AM395006 MÁV .Rmms, ep V

AM395005 MÁV .Rmms, ep V

AM395005 MÁV .Rmms, ep V

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