Hungarian model company AlbertModell has announced a new batch of tank cars type Goša Zas/Zaes in scale H0. The models from this batch should come to the market at the end of August 2020 and in this batch there shall be models:

  • JŽ Zaes in black and white livery (ep. 5)
  • SRB-ŽS in brown-white livery (ep. 6)
  • Set of 2 SLO-SŽ Zas tank cars in silver-black livery (ep. 6)
  • New number of MÁV Envirochem (ep. 5)
  • New number for H-MMV
  • Tank cars for ŽSR, ČD

The price of each model is 49,90 EUR and 99,50 EUR for set (SLO-SŽ Zas). The models should arrive in october. Unfortunately we do not accept orders anymore.

SRB-ŽS Zaes 31 72 7880 406-5 (za prevoz melase)

JŽ Zaes 31 72 788 0 908-0 (za prevoz melase)

SLO-SŽ Zas 35 79 7850 002-7

SLO-SŽ Zas 35 79 7850 206-4