On Toyfair in Nürnberg at the end of January 2020 the Belgian company B-Models announced two models of Innofreight cars that one can regulary see on railways of Slovenia and Austria. They announced models (cat. no. 90.217) 90.217 RailCargo Austria Voest Alpine and (cat. no. 90.218) SŽ Cargo Voest Alpine. These cars are regularly in same consist carring iron ore from Port of Koper to ironworks in Linz via Jesenice or Šentilj (Spielfeld).
The idea behind Innofreight cars is to use standard car for transporting containers and put on any container. So if the company has different types of containers, they can use same care for different containers. The models have two permanently coupled cars loaded with one container per car. The estimated price of each model is 127,95 EUR and we already accept preorders. Based on the experience from the year 2019 these preorders are filled quite quickly so hurry!